10 Feng Shui Essential Rules to implement in Your Home to bring more Wealth

Feng shui for wealth is one of the most popular applications of feng shui. The focus on attracting material wealth is actually one of the reasons feng shui became so popular in the West, since we’ve heard about many business tycoons using feng shui for more profits and stronger financial security.
Of course, there is much more to feng shui than its wealth building appeal! You can use feng shui to create a better quality of life, improve your health, attract more harmony to your relationships, help build a successful career and more.
Let us advise you in transforming your home with these 10 wealth building feng shui essentials.
1. Open Space - Clean CHI energy flow
When you see the homes of wealthy people, the number one thing that you actually see is open space. An abundance of open space. Strange, no?
Rarely do you see wealthy houses full to the brim with all sorts of stuff. It is the luxury of open space and plenty of breathing room that attracts more wealth energy.
In feng shui terms this basically means there is open space to allow more and to enjoy more. To create more, explore more and be more.
Yes, I know we can argue that being wealthy allows you to buy bigger spaces, keep professional cleaners, etc; but let’s avoid excuses or resistance mentality. There are plenty of small spaces that have the energy of wealth, too. Learn to welcome powerful energy into your home and not make it stale or block it with all sorts of stuff.
The more open space you have in your home, the more fresh energy can come in. Let’s explore powerful guidelines to help you attract the energy of financial wealth.

2. No Clutter - Clear Organization
If you’ve been reading my articles for a while, you might get tired of me repeating “no clutter, no clutter, no clutter”. I have to keep doing it, though.
Clutter is stuck energy, and the essence of cluttered spaces – as well as the dominant energy of people who live in cluttered spaces – is based on fear mixed with pessimism.
Hardly a quality of energy that can help one attract wealth!
Yes, of course I know that clearing clutter is not easy, and of course I know it might take time to get rid of all your clutter. All you have to do, though, is commit to clearing it, and then follow an easy feng shui clutter clearing system.
Directly connected to the concept of a clutter clear space is clear organization. If you do not have an organized house, chances are you will start quickly accumulating clutter again. Each item in your home deserves a space of its own, no matter how small; this makes for a peaceful house with strong and clear energy.
Think about it and look for the best organizational systems you can find; there is an abundance of them out there, from Ikea to California Closets and everything in between (Home Depot, Bed, Bath and Beyond, The Container Store, etc).
Rich people find everything quick; not only money and information, but also what’s needed in their own home. Why?
Simply because wasting time on finding something is frustrating and detracts from other things and activities that bring wealth (both financial wealth, as well as the wealth of emotional and physical health).
3. Use Wealth Colours
Ok, let’s move on to specific feng shui wealth essentials. The main feng shui wealth color is gold, gold, gold (of course!) In any decor items – mirrors, frames, lamp bases, trays, coffee tables, etc – whatever your house decor can feel harmonious and happy with!
Just be sure to actually love those golden beauties, do not bring something just for the sake of its look if you are not connected to it emotionally.
If you’ve ever had a chat with a real estate agent about dated house fixtures in tacky gold finish, they will tell you that these houses are much loved by most Asian buyers. I’ve had clients who lived in such houses, and even though they hated the fixtures they feared changing them because that would be bad feng shui.
The only bad feng shui was actually keeping those dated fixtures!
So, the point I am emphasizing here is that for anything you bring into your home to work as a feng shui wealth cure (or any other cure, for that matter), the item has to have a strong energy connection to you, and not to what other people say.

If you do not like something, guess what – it does not like you back!
Hardly a good feng shui energy dynamic.
Next feng shui wealth color is purple and, just like with gold color, you can bring it with a variety of decor items. From painting to pillows, rugs or big book covers – see if this wealth feng shui color can be genuinely welcomed into your home.
Use both colors tastefully and wisely, meaning create simple beauty and decorate with objects that you really like – this is how they will start working for you as intended.
4. Wealth Area - Sacred Space
There is a specific money area in feng shui that needs to be treated right, and for this you have to know the bagua, or the feng shui energy of your space. Here I am referring to the creation of a small altar/shrine/sacred space that you devote to the energy of wealth.
It can be anywhere (except your bathroom, laundry or garage), and as big or as small as you like. Basically you want to create an area that has the task of collecting wealth energy.
Decorate it with meaningful to you items of wealth (jewelry, specific photos, objects of value, etc), as well as good feng shui energy activators such as crystals and plants.

5. Vibrant Plants / Wood Element
Nature is the ultimate manifestation of unlimited wealth and abundance, so replicating the lush energy of nature in your home will help you attract the same quality of energy.
Money plant or not, lucky bamboo or not, know that decorating your home with lush, verdant happy plants in good looking, solid pots is an excellent feng shui wealth magnet.
East, Southeast and South areas are the most greenery loving feng shui areas in your home.

6. Water Flow
The association of the energy of water with wealth is obvious, very ancient and present in all cultures. Fountains are the most popular feng shui for wealth cure, so if you love fountains, find one (or more) good quality fountains and place them in the best feng shui areas of your home (either inside or outside).
Be sure not to place a fountain in your bedroom – this is not good feng shui.

7. Crystals
Crystals are the powerhouses of good feng shui energy; they bring the essence of abundance from deep within the earth.
If you are new to crystals, start with clear quartz, preferably in a rough/natural shape. Along with the clear quartz, there are 3 more crystals that can help you attract the energy of wealth: pyrite, citrine and amethyst. Pyrite is excellent as a wealth feng shui magnet, and reasonably easy to find and well priced.
Genuine citrine tends to be pricey and a bit hard to find; amethyst is easy to find, works very well on many levels, including purifying the energy in your home.
If there are no crystal shops close to where you live, check our online selection of feng shui crystals (our store is powered by amazon.com).
8. Feng-Shui Images
Images can be very powerful, we all know that. They can be of great help with expressing a desired quality of energy when the real objects are not available, not suitable or cannot be placed well in your home.
For example, you might not want plants in your space for whatever reasons, but you can always go for images of lush energy – no constant care needed, always fresh!
The same principle applies to images of water. If fountains are not to your (or your home’s) liking, you can use images of clear (and ideally moving) water as a wealth feng shui cure.
High quality wall murals work wonders in most spaces.
9. Mirrors
Mirrors are the absolute must have feng shui wealth magnet for so many reasons! They bring more light, joy and the energy of the water feng shui element into any space.
Mirrors also create beautiful pathways for new and joyful opportunities, just be sure to go for the best mirrors you can find; the ones that your heart adores and your room looks good in.
Golden framing is obviously the best choice for a mirror as a wealth feng shui cure.

10. Feng-Shui Wealth Cures
Last but not least, there is a variety of popular classical feng shui money cures that can work for you as wealth magnets (if you genuinely like them). You can buy most of these cures at our online feng shui store.
The top 5 classical feng shui wealth cures are:
1. The Laughing Buddha
2. Arowana fish figurines (or real aquariums made to feng shui specifications)
3. The feng shui money frog
4. Various hangings and tassels made with Chinese coins
5. The wealth vase.
Above all, though, understand that the most successful feng shui applications are the ones that are highly personalized, meaning decorating your home only with the feng shui cures that you have a strong personal connection to.
Learn to create beautiful, fresh and potent energy and all the good things – including financial abundance – will inevitably follow.